5 Easy Steps to Creating a Facebook Campaign

4 easy steps to promoting on Facebook -- Hue & Tone Creative

Sometimes it feels like Facebook knows you better than you know yourself. Seriously, how do they know you're dreaming of faux suede ankle boots and organic cold brewed coffee? While Facebook advertisements may feel a little invasive at times, there's no doubt that they're an effective way to market. In fact, 92% of marketers are now advertising on Facebook. 

How it works

Facebook tracks what you do both on and off their site. They know about your online searches, the posts you make, and the pages you like – and they use all that information to decide which ads to show you. For instance, if you were recently browsing for inexpensive winter coats, there’s a good chance you’re going to see similar styles pop up along the side of Facebook.

To ensure that ads are relevant and interesting, Facebook also uses information like your age, gender, location, and device preferences to help target ads. (If you’re interested in learning about this process in more detail, this site has an awesome infographic.)

Ready to get started? 


1. Narrow down your objective

When it comes to deciding on the objective of your social campaign, it’s imperative to think about your ROI first. Facebook ads aren’t free, so you want to make sure you’re making the most of it. We recommend quantifying all your advertising goals. How many people do you want to reach? What are your traffic goals? Set a time frame for each goal to keep yourself on track.

2. Craft your call to action

Think about the last time you saw an ad on Facebook. Like most of the 1.4 billion Facebook users, you probably glanced at it for a second or ignored it entirely. Those quick few seconds of view time are crucial! Make sure your copy or call to action is clear and easy to remember. Are you having a sale? Launching a new service? Providing a free gift to the first visitors? If you don’t grab a users attention right away you’ll likely be ignored for a cute otter video. 

To ensure that you’re getting the most out of your ads, we suggest taking advantage of A/B testing. Also known as split testing, this method allows to you compare the cost, click through rate, number of likes, and conversion rates to determine which factors make your ads successful.

Play around with the look and copy of your ads to determine what’s most effective. But, be sure to tweak only one element at a time -- or how else will you know what's caused the change in effectiveness? 

3. Design a strong graphic

Studies show that 65% of people are more likely to retain information 3 days after viewing if it’s paired with a relevant image. Using things like bright colors, minimal text and high res images can help grab attention. 

4. Target properly

There are several targeting options to consider during this step. Whether you decide on targeting a broad or specific audience should depend on your business and goals. Targeting a specific audience may lead to a smaller audience – but they may be more engaged than a large audience would’ve been. If you decide to target a broad audience you’re essentially relying on Facebook’s ad delivery system. This isn’t a bad approach because it means you might end up discovering customers you would never have known about! It's also a good place to start if you're not sure who you want to target.

Some demographics you can target on Facebook:

  • Age- Include or exclude specific age ranges
  • Location- Breakdown your targeting options to zip code, city, country, etc.
  • Languages
  • Connections
  • Gender
  • Detailed Targeting- You can break your targeting options down even further by looking at interests, behaviors, and even interests.   
  • Custom Audience

5. Analyze the Results

Now that you've run your first campaign it's time to sit down and analyze the results. Who engaged with your ad? Which images worked best? Did you hit your goals?

Take a look at what worked and what didn't, then edit the plan for your next set of ads accordingly. There's no way to improve your campaigns if you're not analyzing the results! 

Greensboro Social Media Company: Hue & Tone Creative

Ready to start seeing results? From design to delivery, Hue & Tone can help you create a truly unique social campaign. If you’re ready to start seeing a return on your social media dollars then it’s time to invest in a creative agency that can give you more. If you’re interested in social media management, a new campaign, or another creative service, give us a call today for a free social media audit.